Monday, February 11, 2019

Seasonal Expressions 1 - Story by Stacy™

Continuing with our tour of items available in the Seasonal Expressions 1 Idea Book, today's focus is Story by Stacy™. Story by Stacy™ was developed with Stacy Julian.

Seasonal Expressions 1 – page 16
Seasonal Expressions 1 – page 17

Story by Stacy™ is featured on pages 16 through 25 of Seasonal Expressions 1. There are three workshop kits: Stories I Love, Short Story and Story Starter. Each comes with an instructional workbook to guide you though the steps to create your album.

Story Starter was the first Story by Stacy™ item introduced. Here is a brief video Stacy Julian created about Story Starter.

The available Story Starter items are shown on pages 22 through 25 of Seasonal Expressions 1.

Story Starter
Colorful Texture
Quotable Words
Story by Stacy™ Story Starter Workshop Kit—Dots
Story by Stacy™ Story Starter Workshop Kit—Candy Apple
Story by Stacy™ Story Starter Workshop Kit—Stripes
Story by Stacy™ Story Starter Bundle

The next Story by Stacy™ item introduced was Short Story.

Short Story is found on pages 20 and 21 of Seasonal Expressions 1.

Short Story
Simply Said
this space intentionally left blank
Story by Stacy™ Short Story
Workshop Kit—Black & White
Story By Stacy™ Short Story
Workshop Kit—Lagoon

Stories I Love was introduced in Seasonal Expressions 1 and this video was released in January 2019.

Stories I Love is found on pages 18 and 19 of Seasonal Expressions 1.

Stories I Love
Details I Love
Story by Stacy™ Stories I Love Workshop Kit

I think the stamps and any leftover embellishments easily mix and match across Workshop Kits.

Recently the Close To My Heart Make It From Your Heart blog had a post "Love This Life: Documenting the Everyday with a Mini Album".

When I saw that post, I was thinking that we often concentrate on the big moments and special occasions, but in future years grandchildren and great-grandchildren will wonder what a typical day or week is like. My great-grandmother kept a diary where she also wrote down routine things like how many eggs the hens produced and what prices they got for them. It is fun learning about how they lived before my grandfather was born, while they were raising him and what their lives were like as they had grandchildren.

Be sure to document some of the routine so future generations will know how we live life now, before fully autonomous cars for example. Have a great day!


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