Friday, May 24, 2024

Today's Tip - Angel Policies

Many people who enjoy paper and other types of crafting only create to give something personalized, or decorated with the recipients' interests, to family and friends. Others create primarily as an artistic outlet or a way to relieve stress. And some like to make crafts to donate to charities or to sell for profit.

When you fall into the last group of creative individuals, you need to be aware that most, maybe all, craft manufacturers have what is known as Angel Policies. Angel Policies indicate how the image can be used, how many can be made, where items can be sold, etc.

Stampin' Up! has an Angel Policy near the bottom of the Stampin' Up! website. Stampin' Up! offers the Stamped with Love Photopolymer Stamp Set (161395) that includes a ©Stampin’ Up! image to use if you sell hand-stamped creations with Stampin' Up! products.

In an April 23, 2024 email, Close To My Heart informed Makers that the Close To My Heart Closure FAQ was updated related to the Angel Policy. Here is that section of the FAQ:

Q: Will the Angel Policy regulating use of stamp sets and copyrighted designs remain in effect after the company closes?

A: Yes, the terms of the Close To My Heart Angel Policy are not affected by the company closure. As stated in the policy,

All Close To My Heart designs are copyrighted by CTMH Co. and are protected under United States and international copyright law, which means they cannot be copied without Close To My Heart’s permission. Close To My Heart’s Angel Policy grants limited permission (a license) to purchasers of Close To My Heart stamps to create hand-stamped artwork for sale. 

The copyright is held by CTMH Co., which is a separate entity from Close To My Heart. The fact that Close To My Heart is ceasing regular business operations does not change that copyright. In addition, the Angel Policy applies to “purchasers of Close To My Heart stamps,” not to Makers, so it is not affected by the termination of the Maker agreement, either. Visit and click Angel Policy at the bottom of the page to view the full Angel Policy.

Since the Close To My Heart website will no longer be available after June 30, 2024, and I do not know where you would be able to find the CTMH Angel Policy in the future, I made a PDF of the Angel Policy page as it appears on the Close To My Heart website. You will find it here. I know life circumstances change, and while you may not create items to sell with your CTMH stamps today, you may decide to create and sell items in the future.

If you need to find Angel Policies for other brands, I suggest using your favorite search engine. I have had good luck finding them that way, however I do not think I ever searched for the policy of a company that is no longer selling products.

I am not offering legal advice. I not trained in the law and laws vary across the United States and from country to country. I am posting this information to bring awareness to Close To My Heart's recent communication about their Angel Policy. If you have any questions about a company's Angel Policy, I suggest you either attempt to contact the company for clarification and/or consult with your own attorney.

Happy crafting! And have a nice Memorial Day!!


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