Today's project are gift boxes I created for the folks that deliver packages to my house. I am fairly certain they do not follow my blog so I can post this without spoiling any surprises.
First let me say this is not my original idea and unfortunately I do not know who to credit. I saw a post by Shina Saechao in the Facebook group Cricut Design Space (it's a closed group, but you could request to join). Shina posted a link to her CDS file and the blog post
For the Drivers by Christi's Creative Crew (where you will find cutting/scoring information if you do not have a Cricut® Explore and assembly instructions). Christi posted she saw delivery trucks created by Jill Hilliard on a SU consultant-only board so I dug a little deeper (searched the Internet) and found several variations, but I also found posts by Jill Hilliard on her blog
Jill's Card Creations:
The Getting My Gift on Day 1 - the mailman version and the
Getting my Gift on Day 2 - the UPS man version. If you visit Jill's blog you will learn she "cased [this] from the score pal website". Despite not being able to credit the person that originated this idea I am happy someone came up with this idea and people shared it along the way.
Here are how some of my finished trucks turned out:
Delivery Truck Gift Box - door closed |
Delivery Truck Gift Box - door open |
While I liked that Shina shared a file, after seeing how the back door closed on Jill's blog I wanted to do the same on my trucks. I also wanted the bottom of the back door and box of the truck to be even with the bottom of the truck chassis. Having a flap from the windshield under the hood also makes the truck a bit sturdier for heavier candy. In addition, I was doing something wrong because my roof was not fitting like it seemed it should. After seeing how the truck back opened on Jill's blog (I really liked the finished look) and making the assembly mistake from what I initially cut, I created my own CDS file for a little change to how the finished truck looks and is assembled.
If you would like to use my imperfect (there are a couple of places that the line did not cut completely, e.g., like pop out paper dolls if you played with those as a child), but usable CDS file for the delivery truck, you will find it
The above image shows what the file will look like on screen (with some labels so it hopefully makes a little more sense). I used the white pieces from left to right then added the embellishments shown near the bottom.
To save myself some time writing, here are some photos I took while assembling the truck. Clicking on any photo will make it larger. If after looking at the photos and notes on them, you have questions about assembling the truck, please leave a comment below and I will try to update this post/reply in the comments with a better description.
delivery truck assembly 01 |
delivery truck assembly 02 |
delivery truck assembly 03 |
delivery truck assembly 04 |
delivery truck assembly 05 |
delivery truck assembly 06 |
Once the trucks were finished, we added a "created by" note on the bottom, candy to the box and an envelope with something I hope each person will like.
Thank you for visiting my blog during this busy holiday season. I hope you enjoyed what I created and will come back soon. No matter what you celebrate in your household this time of year, there are too many to list and some that I only know by name, may you spend your time with those you hold dear and your celebration be festive. Happy Holidays!
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